ADSL Residential Packages
- $29.95/month for the first 12 months, then
$34.95/mth (this offer
can be withdrawn at any time).
- ACCESS SPEED = up to 6 Mbps download and up to 1 Mbps upload
- Higher speeds up to 50 Mbps are available, please contact us for availabiity and pricing
- 300GB/month traffic limit, $2.00/GB over limit
- up to 5 e-mail IDs
- No Personal Website
- 10 hours/month dial-up access
- Installation in 1 week (subject to port availability)
Installation options:
No setup fee if you
choose the plug and play self-install option, or
In-home installation by Infoserve staff at current service call rates
Special Note: If your house has a monitored alarm service or if your apartment has an Enterphone system installed on the same ADSL phone line, you may require a POTS splitter ($35.00 extra). The self-install option is not available in this case. |
ADSL Business Package
Business Bronze:
- $65.00/month, Buy Modem for $70.00
- $100.00 setup fee
- ACCESS SPEED = up to 6 mbps download and up to 1 Mbps upload
- 5 IP Addresses/devices, additional IP addresses / devices are $10.00/month
- 300
GB traffic limit, $2.00/GB over limit
- 10 e-mail IDs
- 30 hours dial-up access (Normal phone line access)
- 20 MB Web site**
Business Silver:
- $99.00/month, Buy Modem for $70.00
- $150.00 setup fee
- ACCESS SPEED = up to 15 mbps download and up to 1 Mbps upload
- 8 IP Addresses/devices, additional IP addresses / devices are $10.00/month
- 300 GB traffic limit, $2.00/GB over limit
- 10 e-mail IDs
- 30 hours dial-up access (Normal phone line access)
- 20 MB Web site**
Business Gold:
- $165.00/month, Buy Modem for $70.00
- $175.00 setup fee
- ACCESS SPEED = up to 25 mbps download and up to 5 Mbps upload
- 10 IP Addresses/devices , additional IP addresses / devices are $10.00/month
- 300 GB traffic limit, $2.00/GB over limit
- 10 e-mail IDs
- 30 hours dial-up access (Normal phone line access)
- 20 MB Web site**
**Domain registration/transfer/ web server setup $75.00
Note 1- Customer is responsible for network card and installation. Installation is available for $60.00 plus cost of network card (approx. $35.00)
Note 2- Infoserve assigns a "static" IP address to our ADSL users. Some other ADSL service providers assign only dynamic IP addresses and charge you $10.00/month for each static IP address that you need.
Options available to Business packages:
- Upgrade to 150 hours/month dial-up access, $10.00/month